“It is my pleasure to recommend Cleverdot.com without any reservations.
I’ve been hosting a Web site for an in-law at Cleverdot.com practically
as long as they’ve been around (as well as one for myself, primarily for
family e-mail accounts). Before signing up with Cleverdot.com, I looked
at other hosting providers and found none equaling the combination of
features and price offered by Cleverdot.com. They don’t have the
gee-whiz advertising or flashing lights you might find marketing other
Web hosts, but they provide great service without hidden fees or onerous
contracts. Cleverdot.com offers 5 simply priced plans for various levels
of usage–from the simple mom & pop Web page to complex sites maintained
by serious Web professionals. At all pricing levels, their service plans
get the same menu of great features and you just pay for consuming
tangible resources (primarily storage and bandwidth) rather than being
dimed-and-dollared for each individual feature that you require. If you
want to try out a particular feature, fine, but if you don’t need it, no
problem; it will be waiting for you when your Web pages require it.
Things just work, and they don’t pressure you to buy more than you need.
What more can you ask for than solid features and services without the
hard sell?”
John Mikesell